The corporate division mainly works with Small & Medium Enterprises (SME’s), government link companies (GLC’s) and Multi-National Corporations (MNC’s) by providing training programmes meeting their needs. The companies can use Human Resource Development Fund or popularly known as HRDF to cover their training cost. HRDF is governed by the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act 2001 (PSMB Act 2001) and under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia to catalyze the development of current and future workforce to support Malaysia’s vision of becoming a high-income nation by 2025. To achieve this the government significantly provide training and up-skilling interventions to key industries in Malaysia in keeping up with the fast-evolving business landscape and their individual company aspirations. Our center was registered in the year 2013 with HRDF with a COID 971122U. To date we have trained thousands of employees from all levels in their organisation and equipped them with relevant knowledge, skills, and attitudes.